Monday, December 17, 2012

Sandy Hook Tragedy


First of all, my prayers and sympathies go out to all of the families affected by the Sandy Hook Tragedy.
by: Kristian Beverly-Ranting Teen Girl
Picture from ABC 27 news Facebook page

Now what does it mean for us?

The Sandy Hook Tragedy is being called one of the worst mass shooting in history. 28 people in total are dead, and 20 of them were children It's also a tragedy because one of the biggest taboos has been broken. Killing the defenseless. There's also a battle line being drawn about gun control.

Whenever a person watches a movie how often is a child character killed in a violent way? I can't think of many. Why? There's a taboo of killing children. One of the biggest taboos is killing the defenseless. Those seen as defenseless are those who can't help themselves, or are seen as weaker. Children and the elderly, plus handicapped people are in the category. Frankly yes, there have been cases of children being killed, sadly. But this is different. For one, a person felt entitled to march into a school, an elementary school, and point, aim and fire at six and seven year olds. How can you look into children's faces and pull a trigger? And so close to Christmas too? Sickening and sad. This breaks the unspoken rule of cruelty. Not saying mass shootings aren't cruel , but killing small children in cold blood and close range, and traumatizing the survivors shows a new level of cruelty. Since this taboo is broken, it leaves the doors open now for basically anything, as scary is that sounds. I mean, people kill anyways, but now this taboo has been broken. The authorities are afraid of copycat murderers, which is almost scarier than the initial attack. Someone watches the news, sees a murder, and decides to do a similar one? Yeah, scary that a person would want to look up to a murderer. The murderer took out the most defenseless, and that's the end of the taboo of young children.
Do guns have a mind of their own, or is the actual person guilty? There's a line being drawn about gun control. Ever since the forming of the US, citizens have had the right to carry guns. Since children have been murdered and countless other mass murders have been taking place, there's tension building about gun regulation. Should the US ban assault rifles or machine guns or whatever type of other gun there is? My issue is that guns do NOT kill. It's the person toting it around. Last time I checked, guns do not hop up and down streets, looking for a target to kill. It's the person holding it who does. On my Facebook page, there's been comments saying that guns should be banned. If people think guns should be banned, then let's ban cars too so there won't be any drunk driving related deaths. Makes sense right? Nope. To get to the source of the problem you have to get to the individual. Picking up a gun and deciding to murder a fellow human being is a heart choice, and a horrible one. No amount of banning or regulation will change a person's heart. Putting up restrictions only makes it harder for law abiding citizens. Guns are legal right now and there's still a black market going on for them. Imagine if guns were banned. The same thing as banning alcohol in the 1920s would result. Nothing productive. To make a safer community, it starts with evaluating the individual and building up from there. There needs to be values reinstated in brains, not more regulations.

My prayers go out to all involved in the Sandy Hook Tragedy. RIP to those who were murdered.

1 comment:

  1. After this deadly shooting spree the entire nation cry and mourn. As a nation we need to help those that suffer from mental illness. Many years ago most state hospitals doors shut. Had this deranged, psycho and insensitive jerk been given the right mental health help, maybe this slaughtering of the young could have been prevented. Who kills their mother, and who can look in the eyes of a small child and pull a trigger? Please continue to love your children and remember that every moment showing them love is never too much. The parents of the victims would do anything to see those little faces again...Those kids did nothing wrong.
    Gun control is not the issue because this 20 yr old did not use a gun registered to him. Young murderers never are the legal owner of the guns they use to inflict harm on others.
    Now we have to worry about the copy cats that will try to outdo Sandy Hook killer. There are so many people that suffer from MENTAL illnesses and we as a nation need to pull from ever research and get help for those mentally disturb individuals that need it. Other the last couple of days I heard people talking about him being mentally disturbed but did anyone get him any help. A lot of agencies do not want to help if you do not have insurance. We need to help these people whether they are insured because maybe your children, my children will return home today. The young tend to target the younger...
    There are many heroes that sacrificed their life to save others. The principal, and teachers I thank you, you are heroes. May you R.I.P.
    Christmas just isn’t Christmas without the one you love!!!! Just sayin
    Let’s stop sensationalizing mass murderers.
